
Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

Violet Rose

Bab 1

Rosa menatap langit sore hari ini. Mendung. Mendung pertama setelah seminggu sekembali ia ke Semarang setelah sekitar  dua tahun meninggalkan kota kelahirannya ini. Rosa menghela napas panjang.Sedikit kecewa memang, belum semua tempat dikunjungi. Kekecewaannya bertambah ketika tetes air hujan menyentuh hidungnya yang mancung. Rosa menengok kanan-kiri, mencari tempat berteduh. Pandangannya tertuju pada sebuah SMA di depannya. Karena sudah menjelang maghrib, sekolah sudah sepi. Kecuali lapangan basket yang sudah mulai basah diguyur air hujan. Mata Rosa tertuju pada sekelompok laki-laki yang masih berlatih basket ditengah hujan. Tanpa komando apapun, kaki Rosa melangkah ke arah lapangan basket itu. Ia memang paling tidak bisa menahan rasa penasarannya. Lapangan basket itu terbuka, Rosa menengok kanan-kiri lagi, mencari tempat berteduh, kali ini matanya tertuju pada tempat parkir motor yang tertutup. Ia pun berlari kecil-kecilan, sambil melindungi puncak kepalanya dengan telapak tangan mungilnya, ke arah tempat parkir, lalu berteduh sembari berharap hujan akan segera reda.
Sudah hampir lima belas menit Rosa berdiri di tempat parkir itu, namun hujan tak kunjung menunjukkan tanda-tanda akan reda. Ia pun kembali menghela napas panjang. Ia bersedekap menahan hawa dingin yang menusuk kulitnya. Ia merutuki kebodohannya meninggalkan jaketnya di hotel.
"Hai," sapa seorang anak laki-laki yang badannya sudah basah kuyup diguyur hujan, sambil mengacak-acak rambutnya yang basah.
"Oh, hai," Rosa hanya membalas sapaan itu singkat dengan senyum simpul sebisanya. Mungkin urat-uratnya sudah mulai membeku.
"Anak kelas berapa? Rasanya aku belum pernah liat kamu sebelum-sebelumnya," tanya laki-laki itu ramah, mencoba membuka pembicaraan
"Ehm, aku bukan anak sini," jawab Rosa sambil meringis dan menggaruk kepalanya. "Aku cuma mau numpang berteduh dulu sampai hujannnya agak reda,"
Laki-laki itu hanya ber-oh panjang, lalu menyadarkan tubuhnya yang tinggi itu ke tiang besi penyangga kanopi parkir motor.
"Jadi, kamu anak mana?" kata laki-laki itu mencoba mencairkan kecanggungan diantara mereka.
"Aku baru pindah dari Bandung ke sini, masih belum tahu mau sekolah dimana," Rosa menjawab seperlunya. Ia memang malas berbicara panjang lebar dengan orang baru.
"Oh, harusnya kelas berapa?"
"Kelas sebelas."
"Daftar di sini aja, masih banyak kelas yang kosong kok!"
Tanpa disadari, ujung bibir Rosa terangkat. Ide brilian! pikir Rosa. Sudah lima hari ia mencari sekolah tetapi semua sekolah tidak mau menerima siswa baru. Rosa mengangguk pelan, berharap laki-laki itu mengartikannya sebagai tanda setuju.
"Eh, kenalan dulu dong. Aku Rafa" kata laki-laki yang bernama Rafa itu, menyodorkan tangannya ke arah Rosa.
Sesaat Rosa tercenung. Rafa? Ada berapa banyak sih nama Rafa di Semarang? Ia yakin ia pasti salah dengar.
"Namamu Rafa?" tanya Rosa. Suaranya sedikit tercekat mengucapkan nama itu.
"Iya, namaku Rafa. Kamu?" tanya Rafa tanpa menyadari perubahan ekspresi Rosa yang sangat kentara. Kali ini Rosa tidak mungkin salah dengar.
Rosa terdiam. Pikirannya melayang. Tidak mungkin dia "Rafa" yang itu, tidak mungkin!


Hai hai, lama nggak nge-blog nih :D aku mau nyoba-nyoba bikin cerita bersambung nya ;) Hope it'll be great :)

Selasa, 29 November 2011


hari ibu diperingati di Indonesia setiap tanggal 22 Desember
taukah perjuangan ibu demi kita?
ibu kita mengorbankan hidupnya demi kita, ibu menyayangi kita sepenuh hati. selamanya.
sekalipun ia terlihat tidak peduli sebenarnya ia sangat peduli
walaupun terkadang menyebalkan, ibu melakukan itu untuk kebaikan kita
ibu selalu memikirkan masa depan kita, ia berusaha sebaik-baiknya agar kita bisa bahagia

My Quotes: 

“my first love, my mom”

“i have loved you since i opened my eyes, yes it’s you MOM”

Senin, 28 November 2011

About Taylor Swift (part 3)

  1. Taylor thinks that it's cute how we call ourselves Swifties.
  2. Taylor has a lyric box where she puts the lyrics she likes the most. 'Our love is like a song but you won't sing along' is there.
  3. Taylor danced ballet when she was little.
  4. When Taylor was 8, she was a girl scout
  5. Taylor hates beer.
  6. Taylor Swift offers autographed guitar to a charity auction. It's helping to fight against hunger in the world.
  7. Taylor was the first person Kellie Pickler called when she got engaged.
  8. Taylor has an iPhone and a Blackberry.
  9. Taylor's favorite part of the Speak Now Tour was when Nicki Minaj joined her at stage.
  10. When Taylor listened to "Don't Forget" by Demi Lovato, she cried.
  11. Taylor said she has 'secret project' for 2012, and that her fourth album is not the only surprise.
  12. Taylor learned to play guitar when she was twelve from Ronnie, a guy who came to fix the computer.
  13. Taylor is currently named The Most Famous Celebrity In The World.
  14. Taylor hates getting sick while she's touring because if she has to canceling concerts, she feels she's gonna disappoint her fans
  15. Sometimes, Taylor calls her band to watch a movie after the concert.
  16. Taylor doesn't mix business and personal life. That's why she has two different phone numbers.
  17. Taylor loves the movie The Lion King.
  18. Taylor's mom wanted her to be a jockey when she as younger.
  19. Taylor was mentioned by Ellen DeGeneres on her interview with the Twilight Saga cast.
  20. Taylor is supposedly planning a duet with Demi Lovato.
  21. Taylor used to be a fan of Kanye West.
  22. When Taylor went to Britney Spears concert, she had no voice in the next day. She said she screamed a lot.
  23. Taylor's Speak Now World Tour is the 10th most successful tour in the world.
  24. Taylor Swift is the first female artist who sold out Gillette Stadium
  25. Taylor thought about giving up of her musical career because the producers used to ask her to sing other artists' songs.

*copied from!/Swiftlogy

    Minggu, 27 November 2011

    About Taylor Swift (part 2)

    1. The drums' sound in the beginning of The Story Of Us is played on a keyboard.
    2. Taylor said she'll do more acting works in 2012.
    3. Taylor always considers 31 to be a backwards 13.
    4. Taylor likes the T-Party because it's an opportunity for her to meet her fans and create a greater connection with them.
    5. Long Live was originally called We Will Be Remembered.
    6. Taylor once did a live stream, and her cat knocked her laptop and it almost fell off the table, over 100,00 people were watching.
    7. Taylor created her twitter account on December 6th 2008
    8. Taylor wrote The Best Day as a Christmas gift for her mom.
    9. Taylor spent 6 months writing Innocent. She needed to think about the right words to say.
    10. When Taylor writes a song for an artist, she never gets the credit.
    11. Faith Hill and Tim McGraw gave Taylor a lucky charm bracelet the first night she toured with them.
    12. Taylor was the first artist in history of Nielsen SoundScan to have 2 different albums in the Top 10 on the year and album chart.
    13. At age 15, Taylor turned down a deal with RCA because they would not allow her to sing her own songs.
    14. Taylor failed her driver's permit test three times before getting it.
    15. Taylor's favorite part of 'Enchanted' is the bridge.
    16. Taylor was born at the Brampton Civic Hospital, 8:36 AM.
    17.   Taylor misses living in a farm.
    18. Taylor's favorite movie is Love Actually.
    19. Once, Taylor gave her glove to one of the girls in the crowd in a Speak Now concert, while she was walking through them.
    20. Taylor said she wants to have 10 kids. 
     *copied from!/Swiftlogy

    Sabtu, 26 November 2011

    About Taylor Swift (part 1)

    1. Taylor has about 67 unreleased songs.
    2. One of Taylor's favorite covers she's ever done is "Run" (George Strait's original song.)
    3. Taylor never complains about lack of privacy, because she chose the life she has now. It wouldn't be fair if she did.
    4. Taylor believes her prince charming will come someday, and she will know he's the one just looking deep in his eyes.
    5. Most part of the jewels that Taylor wears were given by fans.
    6. Taylor's favorite drink is orange juice.
    7. Taylor loves the way penguins walk.
    8. Taylor said she loves Miley Cyrus' eyes.
    9. Taylor can speak a little bit French.
    10. Taylor cried on the last night of her fearless tour because she got a 10 minute standing ovation.
    11. Taylor first kissed a boy when she was 15, and the name of the guy was Eric.
    12. Taylor took about 27 minutes to write White Horse, and Liz Rose helped her.
    13. Speak Now is rumored to be about Hayley Williams, that saw the love of her life getting married with someone else.
    14. Taylor won Artist of the Year, Country Favorite Female Artist and Favorite Country Album yesterday at AMA's.
    15. 'If This Was A Movie' is supposed to be about Taylor Lautner.
    16. Austin Swift thinks Selena Gomez and Taylor have the same laugh.
    17. Once, Taylor's Christmas tree fell down on Christmas Eve because the cat climbed it.
    18. Taylor thinks that everything in life happens for a reason, no matter what it is.
    19. Taylor doesn't hate anyone. She believes "hate" is such a strong word, which only should be used in extreme cases.
    20. Scott Swift's favorite song of Speak Now album is Mean 

    *copied from!/Swiftlogy

      Jumat, 25 November 2011

      Hari Guru

      25 november

      di indonesia, tanggal 25 november diperingati sebagai hari guru nasional
      guru? apa sih sebenernya definisi "Guru" itu? kalo anak SD biasanya bilang "Pahlawan Tanpa Tanda Jasa"
      tapi sebenernya guru lebih dari itu..
      kita kira-kira mulai sekolah sejak playgroup, di playgroup pun kita sudah mengenal yang namanya guru, guru jaman playgroup tu sabarrrrrrr banget. umur-umur segitu biasanya kita masih rewel, cengeng, ngrepotin...nah, guru kita itu yang udah ngajarin kita dari nol.
      kita harusnya berterima kasih banget sama guru kita. kita bisa seperti sekarang ini karena ajaran dan dukungan dari guru kita.
      kita harus menghargai mereka. guru kita sudah melaksanakan tujuan bangsa Indonesia yang ada di pembukaan UUD 1945 yakni "Ikut Mencerdaskan Kehidupan Bangsa"
      terima kasih guru ku :)